What is a Psychic Vampire? A psychic vampire is a person or being who feeds off the “life force” of other living creatures. While few people claim to be true blood drinking vampires, there are also those who claim to be “psychic vampires.” We all know people who can be difficult or emotionally draining, but […]Read More
What is a Holy Grotto? There are not a lot of Holy Grottos in the world. A Holy Grotto is considered a special place to visit because prayers and services are believed to bring real blessings to the pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a journey undertaken by a person or group for a religious motive .Pilgrims may […]Read More
Most people are not aware of the Akashic Records. But what if it “The Book of Life” from the Bible? Read More
Are Vampires Real? Do Vampires Exist? Real human vampires are communities of people in many places around the world who feed on human or animal blood. They are found worldwide and they have many different names like Filipino/Bampira, German/Vampir (Vampyr, Vampyer, Vampyres, Wampler en), Danish/Swedish vampyr, Dutch vampir, French vampire, Italian/Spanish/Portuguese vampiro. While they […]Read More
What Is Holistic Healing? Holistic Belief: All people have innate healing powers. The patient is a person, not a disease. Caution: Modern western medicine treats the symptoms with prescription expensive drugs along with diets and exercise in some cases. In a sense the western medicine treats or uses drugs not to offer permanent cure, but […]Read More