Paranormal Questions and Paranormal Answers – ParaQuest


Black Holes in Space

Sounds of a Black Hole   Black Holes are SCIENCE and not paranormal activity – so – why is ParaQ posting this article? The definition of par-a-normal (adjective) is ” denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.” This clip is beyond the scope of […]Read More

Our Picks

The Best Horror Movies

  Click on the previews for more information. Banned Movie: In this sharp and provocative satire, a group of wealthy elites convene for the first time at a secluded manor to indulge in a twisted game: hunting everyday Americans for sport. However, their sinister plan takes an unexpected turn when one of their targets, Crystal […]Read More

Articles Topics

Psychic Vampires

What is a Psychic Vampire? A psychic vampire is a person or being who feeds off the “life force” of other living creatures. While few people claim to be true blood drinking vampires, there are also those who claim to be “psychic vampires.” We all know people who can be difficult or emotionally draining, but […]Read More

Asia Our Picks

Yurei – Japanese Ghosts

What is a Yūrei? Pronounce: Yūrei, also known as obake, shiryō, or bōrei, are supernatural entities in Japanese folklore that are often associated with the concept of ghosts. Japanese folklore is rich with stories of yūrei that both terrify and captivate people of all ages. These vengeful specters from the afterlife represent the dark souls […]Read More

Articles Asia

Aokigahara, Suicide Forest

WARNING THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS IMAGES AND STORIES THAT SOME MAY FIND OFFENSIVE, DISTURBING OR FRIGHTENING. PLEASE BACKSPACE OR SELECT ANOTHER SECTION IF YOU FIND DEATH OR SUICIDE DISTURBING. VIEWER DESCRETION ADVISED. Located northwest of the majestic Mount Fuji lies Aokigahara.  Aokigahara is a very large and sprawling forest (13.5 square miles) that is named the […]Read More

Articles Asia


The Manananggal Monster The Manananggal is a mythical creature in the Philippines (Filipino folklore) that is said to be a woman who can separate her upper torso from her lower body, usually at night, and fly using bat-like wings to prey on pregnant women and fetuses. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the […]Read More

Articles Ghosts

Are Ghost or Spirits Real?

Do Ghost or Spirits Exist? First let’s define what is a ghost?  A Ghost is the energy of a person or animal that had died. Once the body of a living being dies, it’s energy, the soul, continues to exist. This existence is one of a pure energy force – a higher living being that […]Read More


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