Are Ghost or Spirits Real?
- Articles Ghosts
- March 29, 2023
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Are Ghost Real?
Do Ghost or Spirits Exist?
First let’s define what is a ghost? A Ghost is the energy of a person or animal that had died. Once the body of a living being dies, it’s energy, the soul, continues to exist.
This existence is one of a pure energy force – a higher living being that has capabilities beyond what most of us can fully understand and comprehend. A spirit ghost is what we are most familiar with and comfortable with and what we understand the most. They are our deceased family, friends, and pets – yes you read it correctly. That includes pets.
The existence of ghosts is a huge controversy in today’s society. Some believe that there is no way that a spirit can make itself appear in front of a person, and some believe that spirits show up on a regular basis in people’s lives.
Many photographs have been taken over the years where people share a ghost has shown up in the picture. Most people do not notice the ghost at the time, but the ghost later shows up in the print. When seeing the photo, most people will try to disprove the photo by attempting to recreate the picture. These people will usually then find that the photo cannot be recreated.
In the video above (2:03 mins/secs) is a very good example of a photo that was later discovered to have a ghost in in the background. This photo was taken in 1996. One important fact that was discussed in the video is that this was NOT a digital image (No Adobe Photoshop) and the image is also in the negative strip of film.
This video presents that a man named Ike Clanton dressed in a cowboy outfit and had a friend take a picture of him in Boothill Graveyard in Tombstone, Arizona. When later looking at the photograph, Clanton noticed that a man who was not present at the time the photo was taken was in the background of the picture. Clanton later attempted to recreate the photo with a buddy of his and learned that “it was impossible to recreate the picture without having the legs visible” Also when taking a photograph, people will sometimes discover a person in the photo who is no longer living.
The video above (2:03 mins/secs) The Boothill Graveyard in Tombstone photo is admitted for evidence but we cannot verify the validity of the film or content.
There is a lot of evidence that prove ghosts exists in videos, photographs, personal experiences, and new age equipment used in investigations.
TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) claims to have caught all kinds of evidence of the existence of ghosts. They travel to many different locations to investigate paranormal phenomena They use special equipment to catch the ghost phenomena. They use pieces of equipment such as a digital thermometer that tells the researchers what the temperature of the area because the temperature of an area changes dramatically within a small space. When they feel an unknown presence a digital thermometer identifies that space is much cooler than the rest of the room. Other devices they use includes EMF meters, thermographic and night vision camera’s, digital audio recorders. TAPS has made many discoveries over the years. They have caught voices and full-body apparitions on camera. Many people the team of TAPS work has proven there are otherworldly presence here on our planet.
Since everyone has their own opinions and experiences, we thought we would ask an impartial but intelligent source – SO – we asked Artificial Intelligence (AI GPT-4)
We asked AI [ GPT-4 ] Do Ghosts Exist ?
AI responds: “ The existence of ghosts is a controversial and highly debated topic. While many people claim to have had experiences that they attribute to ghosts, there is no scientific evidence that conclusively proves their existence. Some people believe that ghosts are the spirits of dead people who have not yet moved on to the afterlife, while others think that they are simply figments of the imagination or tricks of the mind. As an AI language model, I don’t have personal beliefs, but I can tell you that the scientific community does not recognize the existence of ghosts, as there is no empirical evidence to support their existence. While there may be stories and anecdotes about sightings and experiences, they are not considered scientific evidence.
The existence of ghosts is a matter of belief and perspective. There is no scientific evidence that proves the existence of ghosts or supernatural entities. However, many people believe in ghosts based on individual experiences, cultural beliefs, and stories passed down through generations. From a scientific perspective, many of the experiences that people attribute to ghosts can be explained by natural phenomena such as electromagnetic fields, infrasound, or psychological factors such as suggestion, expectation, and belief. If ghosts exist or not is a subjective and personal belief, and there is no clear-cut answer. It’s important to respect other people’s beliefs and experiences while also maintaining a critical and rational mindset. Ultimately, whether or not ghosts exist is a matter of personal belief, and individuals are free to interpret their experiences in whatever way they see fit.”
Tell us AI GPT-4 “ What is the difference between a Ghost and a Spirit?
AI answered; “ The terms “ghost” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably to refer to the supernatural entity of a deceased person, but there are some differences in their usage and meaning. In general, a ghost is commonly believed to be the spirit or soul of a deceased person that is still attached to the physical world and is able to manifest in various ways, such as through apparitions, sounds, or other paranormal phenomena. Ghosts are often associated with haunted places or objects, and are believed to be restless or unsettled due to unfinished business or unresolved issues. On the other hand, a spirit is a more general term that refers to any non-physical entity or force that is believed to exist beyond the physical world, including supernatural beings such as angels, demons, and other entities that are not necessarily related to deceased human beings. In some belief systems, spirits are seen as more benevolent or positive than ghosts, which may be associated with negative or malevolent energies. However, the meanings and connotations of these terms can vary depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs.”
Tell us AI GPT-4 “ If there are no Ghost or Spirits – what is the Holy Ghost?”
AI Explains: “ The concept of the Holy Ghost is central to many Christian denominations, including Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. However, different Christian traditions may have varying understandings of the nature and role of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, also known as the Holy Spirit, is a term used in Christianity to refer to the third person of the Holy Trinity, along with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Christians believe that the Holy Ghost is the presence of God in the world, and that it dwells within believers, guiding them and helping them to live a life in accordance with God’s will.
The Holy Ghost is often associated with a number of roles and functions in Christian theology, including inspiring and empowering believers, providing comfort and guidance, and helping to interpret Scripture. The Holy Ghost is also seen as playing a role in the sacraments of the church, particularly in baptism and confirmation.
What about the Bible?
In the King James Version of the Bible, the word ghost appears 108 times. Of these, the word is never used in the sense of the disembodied spirit of someone who has died. It is used in only two ways. First, it appears in the phrase “to give up the ghost,” meaning “to die.” Second, it occurs as the title, “the Holy Ghost,” the third person of the Godhead or Trinity. The Bible refers to ghosts or spirits of the dead as “familiar spirits” and warns us against having anything to do with them. (See Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:11; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 8:19).
What about the Torah?
Judaism teaches that death does not end a soul’s journey. The soul, which was joined to a body in life, continues into an Afterlife. According to Maimonides (Rambam, d. 1204), the Afterlife is a purely spiritual experience of souls receiving reward and punishment for the good and bad things they did during their lives In regards to the ghost debates. According to Maimonides, souls in the Afterlife have no bodies. Purely spiritual beings, whether angels or souls, cannot be seen by human beings. Maimonides even says that any biblical text about a person seeing or speaking with an angel must have taken place in a prophetic dream or vision, not in physical reality. A spiritual being cannot appear physically. Nachmanides (Ramban, d. 1270) believes that people in the Afterlife have souls and bodies, just like we do in this world. Nachmanides disagrees completely. He contends that angels can appear physically if they want.
What about Islam?
According to the Quran, God created Jinn as well as angels and humans. Jinn (also spelled as “djinn” or “genie”). Many Arabs believe in jinn’s, mostly malevolent spirits that occupy dark places. Jinn are widely believed to have bodies of flame or vapor and often took the form of animals. They are believed to have a mischievous nature and get a kick out of making trouble with humans and thus an effort must be made to protect oneself from them. According to Islamic belief, Jinn are created from smokeless flames, have free will like humans, and can choose to be good or evil. Jinn are often depicted as invisible spirits, but they can also take on various physical forms, such as animals or humans. In popular culture, they are commonly associated with granting wishes to humans, but this is not a traditional aspect of Jinn mythology. Jinn are mentioned in the Quran, the Islamic holy book, and Islamic scholars have written extensively about them in Islamic literature. They are believed to play a significant role in Islamic cosmology and can be invoked through certain rituals and prayers. God said: “…, Shaytaans from among mankind and the Jinn.” (Quran 6:112) ~
The Different Types of Ghosts and Spirits.
The belief in ghosts and spirits varies across different cultures and religions, and as such, there are many different types of ghosts that are recognized in various mythologies and folklores. Here are a few examples:
- Residual Ghosts: These ghosts are believed to be the echoes of past events or people that are imprinted onto a particular location or object, and they repeat the same actions or behavior over and over again.
- Apparitions: These are usually the most depicted type of ghost in popular culture. Apparitions are believed to be the spirits of deceased people who appear as transparent or semi-transparent figures, often to convey a message to the living.
- Poltergeists: Poltergeists are believed to be mischievous or even malevolent spirits that can manipulate physical objects, create loud noises, and cause other disturbances. A poltergeist is a type of ghost or spirit that is believed to manifest itself through physical disturbances, such as loud noises, moving objects, or even physical assaults on people. The term “poltergeist” comes from the German language and means “noisy ghost.” Unlike other types of ghosts, poltergeists are often associated with a particular person, usually an adolescent or someone going through emotional distress. The disturbances attributed to poltergeists are believed to be caused by the psychic energy or emotions of the person they are associated with, rather than by the poltergeist itself.
- Shadow Ghosts: These ghosts are believed to appear as dark, shadowy figures without any distinguishable features.
- Demonic Spirits: In some belief systems, demons are considered to be malevolent spirits that can possess humans and cause harm or chaos.
- Ancestral Spirits: In some cultures, it is believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors can return to offer guidance, wisdom, or protection to their living descendants.
What about possession?
.Possession is the belief that a spirit, often malevolent or evil, can take control of a person’s body, mind, or soul. The concept of spirit possession exists in many cultures and religions around the world, and the symptoms and manifestations of possession vary depending on the belief system. In some cases, possession is believed to occur as a result of an individual’s own actions, such as dabbling in occult practices or committing a moral transgression. In other cases, possession is believed to occur as a result of the person being vulnerable or susceptible to spiritual influence, such as during times of illness or emotional distress.
One example of a possession happened in the mid-1990s. Peggy Hodgson was a mother of four. This family had a happy life until an invisible force began to throw toys, plates, and cutlery around their house. Objects began to appear and disappear right before their eyes, and strange knocking sounds began to be heard. Things got even worse when Peggy’s twelve-year-old daughter became possessed by an evil spirit on several occasions. Peggy’s daughter’s actions, along with all the other things that the family experienced, have no explanation from this world, but they can be explained as a ghostly encounter. This family’s experiences were investigated by many researchers who also claimed that the house was haunted. The evil spirit even became known as the Enfield Poltergeist (Penman)
Another example is a case of an exorcism of a young boy from Cottage City, Maryland in 1949 is controversial and highly debated. The case, which inspired the book and subsequent film “The Exorcist,” involved a 14-year-old boy named Roland Doe (pseudonym) who was possessed by a demon. According to accounts, the boy experienced strange phenomena such as levitation, speaking in tongues, and the ability to recite information about people he could not have known. His family turned to the Catholic Church, and after a series of failed medical treatments and psychiatric evaluations, an exorcism was performed by two priests. The exorcism reportedly took several weeks, during which time the boy exhibited violent behavior, spoke in languages he didn’t know, and demonstrated knowledge of private details about the priests’ lives. Eventually, the exorcism was successful, and the boy’s behavior returned to normal. While the events of the exorcism are well-documented, there is debate over whether they were the result of demonic possession. Some argue that the boy’s behavior may have been the result of mental illness or even hoaxed by his family, while others believe that the events were indeed supernatural in nature. Ultimately, the veracity of the 1949 exorcism remains a topic of debate, and it is up to each individual to make their own determination based on the available evidence.”
Overall, the number of documented cases of possession or exorcism is difficult to quantify, and it is unclear how many of these cases can be attributed to supernatural causes versus natural causes such as mental illness or neurological conditions. For example, the Roman Catholic Church, which is perhaps the most well-known institution associated with exorcism, reportedly receives thousands of requests for exorcisms each year, although not all requests are granted.
Reminder: Many people today are still in disbelief, even with seeing the photographs, knowing the personal experiences, and hearing the scientific evidence. For some, seeing the photograph of a cowboy with no legs or a deceased girl in a fire is not enough to make them believe that ghosts exist. Some do not even believe the fact that there are some ghosts who will launch things at a person or take over a person’s body. There is room for skeptics in this world, but there is certainly are plenty of people that claim to have experienced and supports the fact that ghosts do exist. Skeptical people tend to ridicule the things they don’t understand or can’t believe. Some are even hilarious !
“ Personally, whenever I see a Ghost wearing clothes it makes me a bit skeptical. Ghosts are (supposedly) spirits of the dead, right? How many people have died in the history of time? So why are there only a few ghost sightings and why are they wearing nightgowns all the time? Not that that’s a bad thing because it I saw a ghost – I don’t think I want to see a ghost of my naked grandma!”
“Please don’t give me “ghosts are spirits with unfinished business”. I fail to see how scaring the bejesus out of people in a “haunted” mansion for a reasonable price is unfinished business.”
“I like to be open-minded, but I just can’t bring myself to believe in ghosts. Surely ghosts would be everywhere, all of the time. Billions of them. Ghost cows, ghost cats, ghost pigs, ghost spiders,, etc.”
Yes we know LOL right? But seriously
In the end, it is up to you to decide if ghosts are real or not. There is no scientific evidence for ghosts. Is this because ghosts do not exist? Or do we simply not have the technology to detect them?
The Answer: Believe or not believe is the answer.
You Be the Judge
“Tell us your true ghost stories in the comments below. No Skeptics please – we know that you don’t believe 🙂
I worked as Medical Technologist at King Fahad Specialist Hospital in Dammam, Saudi Arabia from 2007 to February 2016 assigned in the Pre and Post Analytical section of the Laboratory. One friday afternoon there was only two of us in the section as most hospital staff are off duty on fridays in Saudi Arabia. My partner on duty at this time was an Indian national a lady named Leni Joseph when we suddenly we heard voices of little children apparently playing. running passing between us. The voices were very loud and became fainter and faded as if they were already in far distance from us. We did not see them physically but the voices were that of playing children. Leni and I looked at each other and she asked me if I heard it and I said did you hear it too ? The hospital has a pediatric Oncology ward and most children admitted there had some types of Leukemia a form of cancer of the blood with a high mortality.Many dont survive for long. I just pressume they were the souls of the children who died but still attached to our physical world. I am Filipino raised as catholic but I am a free thinker but this personal experience shared with another colleague although scientifically cannot be verified bolsters my feelings that we have souls that survives after death. We are souls or forms of energy that is eternal in existence.
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